26th October 2021, Modena Italy
As autonomous vehicle technology is entering a period of development maturity, fail-operational behaviour becomes pivotal to bringing this technology to a wider audience. Fail-operational behaviour is essential in handling safety-critical situations on its own, which directly impacts safety perception of AV users and the technology adoption rate. Bringing safe automated driving in urban and rural environments was one of the main factors for PRYSTINE project.
PRYSTINE project’s final review event will showcase all the work that has been done by 60 partners over the last 42 months. On 27th -28th of October Project Management team will present project’s achievements to reviewers during hybrid meeting in Modena, Italy. The rest of consortium partners will join the discussions online, via Webex platform.
Technological achievements and developments will be showcased though demonstrators: video recordings, live simulators and prototype equipped with autonomous driving technology.
In particular, videos will provide detailed explanation of technological aspect of autonomous driving technology.
As well, simulators will include steering wheel, screens and will showcase shared control use cases.
Physical demonstrator car encompasses all technological developments, that will be showcased on track during autonomous driving tests and will perform demonstration of everyday road situations (traffic light turning green, approaching intersection with pedestrian partially occluded and stopping in emergency lane). Driver monitoring technology, that can significantly improve the safety and comfort of drivers, will also be presented during the tests.
Millions of motor-vehicle accidents happen each year due to human error (boredom, limited reaction times, limited reaction span, tiredness, mood, etc.). In the EU, and in 2020 alone, 18 800 people died on the road. Self-driving vehicles can help avoid 95% of those accidents. PRYSTINE project’s achievements clearly show, that the future of safer roads is closer than it seems.